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Ahsan Kazmi

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Ahsan Kazmi last won the day on January 27 2019

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  1. Any structural engineer working in Saudi Arabia or had experience in Saudi Arabia please share some details about structural engineering practice and environment in KSA.
  2. @Nustian371 can you recommend or share any book regarding PT for beginners? My email is " engrahsanali92@gmail.com "
  3. Can anyone share the design example or procedure of helical stair?
  4. Sorry in advance but what i haven't understood from the above discussion is that how we differentiate between the the options that etabs provide us in Mass source tab? If we check the " From self and specified mass" would this be incorrect? If we check the " From self and specified mass and loads" would it double the effect of Mass? Is specified mass is the the one what we have applied as area, point and line loads ?
  5. Hi All, I am facing following problems in modeling a foundation, please guide 1. I have modeled a foundation in CSI SAFE v8 and exported the same model in safe v12 both programs are showing different values soil pressure and punching shear (difference is slight) but why is that? 2. Safe is not showing the values of punching shear for T-shaped and L-shaped colums why? Thanks
  6. Ahsan Kazmi


    Abstract is an axiom in philosophy In formal logic It is something that can exist in idea or thought but don't have physical or concrete existence. In dialectical Logic It is something that could exist in thought as well as it has a physical existence. Dialectical logic also defines it as something that is separated from the total or entire. Opposite of abstract is CONCRETE.
  7. Can you please explain how to amplify this value, means what is the formula for getting the amplified value of eccentricity? One thing more if torsional irregularity exists do we need to perform dynamic analysis?
  8. @UmarMakhzumi This is the plan. as code says if torsional irregularity exists increase by amplication factor Ax. Please guide how to do that in etabs.
  9. The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey, hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.
  10. Echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system. By visiting an "echo chamber", people are able to seek out information which reinforces their existing views, potentially as an unconscious exercise of conformation bias. This may increase political and social polarization and extremism . The term is a metaphor based on the acoustic Echo chamber where sounds reverberate in a hollow enclosure. Another emerging term for this echoing and homogenizing effect on the Internet within social communities is cultural tribalism.
  11. @Ayesha what do you mean by more general values? Please elaborate? actually i need help in this context.
  12. I had an idea i was thinking to share it with any student or teacher. Idea is to compare design, economy and durability (pros and corns) of the steel structure based shelter house, load bearing masonry house and concrete frame structure. Actually these systems are sequential in terms of cost(i think). But a detailed study will really help to introduce economical housing in region. Thanks
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