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    nottingham university

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  1. Hi guys and gals, I am chemical engineer trying to figure out a house structural drawing. Please refer to the attached picture which show the roof beam layout. The dimension I assuming (for exp. 125 X 600) is the beam width (125) and height(600). Correct me if I am wrong. I am unsure what "u/s" means, based on my google search it suppose to mean underside but I cant grasp what it meant in the drawing. Also can please do let why some beam have RB in front of the dimension some dont, and the dotted and straight line what does it represent. Thanks.
  2. Thanks Rana for your reply. I understood on the stirrups however on the rebar from what I saw at the site there are four bar arranged in rectangular shape (125 X450). That why I still cant see the connection why that distance has any significance. Do you mind elaborating further.
  3. Hi, I am currently renovating my house. I am trying to understand the rebar concrete drawing. Attach here is the snapshot of the drawing.What does 68XR8-125 stand for? I believe R8 is 8mm stirrups with 125mm distance apart. Also what are the significant of the distance 850 and 900. What it actually indicating. I am a chemical engineer would like to improve my knowledge in structural engineering. Thanks.
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