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  1. Hi Everyone, Can anyone please share the manual design of a raft and isolated footing of a complete floor plan according to ACI? Or the manual design of a structure? I know the manual design of structure for various load combinations is a very lengthy process but I want to study it, does not matter if the design is only for one combo e.g. 1.2D+1.6L. Please share if anyone has it in the database. Thank you very much
  2. Hi Everyone, I have defined various load combinations such as 1.4D, 1.54D-1.1E, 0.77D-1.1E, 1.54D+0.55L+1.1E etc. for the analysis & design of RC structure. However, when I display design information for beam and column longitudinal and shear reinforcement, the program etabs and SAP do the design and display the reinforcement but they do not show the load combination on which the design is displayed. How the program does the design? Does the program automatically design beam and column based on taking maximum values from the defined different combination or take envelope? Shell area elements are clear as we can view the results for our various defined combos. Thank you
  3. Hi everyone, I have been analyzing a singly story frame slab supported on four beams in SAP and Etabs. However, I am getting greater moments in longer direction than in shorter direction. Please see the attached figures highlighting the local axis as well as moments in both short and longer direction. I am always getting greater moments in longer direction than shorter direction whether I analyze a two-way slab or one-way (I get moments larger moments in longer direction which is not the case I know). Feedback is requested. Thank you
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